Thursday, 21 July 2011

Kids love me.

"You're the best nanny ever!" Tom whooped when I told him the news: Nando's for dinner.

Ordinarily I would never take the kids to any fast-food place; I believe in balanced home-cooked meals- like any good nanny worth their job.

Of course Tom would think this after my announcement. I mean, what else do I do with a 10-year old dressed in nothing but a t-shirt and shorts, sitting outside in the rain, at dinner time because I've locked the keys in the house? And of course, the four spare keys I cut this morning are on the kitchen counter because I hadn't handed them to the neighbours as I was meant to.

And let's not forget that I'm babysitting tonight…

Yip. I'm the best nanny. Ever.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


For those checking in on my blog, however infrequent, you may have noticed a slight lapse in my ramblings. Apologies for the long absence, two months I believe. I have been far too busy actually living and my blog has had to take the back seat; I trust I have your understanding in this regard!

Hope to update you all within the next week, otherwise you'll be hearing from me from another continent- exciting times ahead!

Much love and all that xxx